
在使用 Wine 运行 Magic: The Gathering Arena 的过程中,我想自行编译 Wine-MonoWine-Monogit submodule 将 Mono 的 codebase 囊括了进来。

在此之前,我在电脑上已经下载过了 Mono 的代码 (git clone https://github.com/mono/mono.git --depth=1)。与其重复访问 GitHub,我希望能从本地的代码库初始化 submodule。


git clone https://github.com/madewokherd/wine-mono.git
cd wine-mono
git submodule init
git submodule set-url mono  /home/lizhenbo/src/mono
git submodule update mono 


git submodule set-url mono https://github.com/madewokherd/wine-mono.git


因为硬盘空间紧缺,我删掉了原有的 /home/lizhenbo/src/mono 。想要编辑上游代码,可以运行

cd wine-mono/mono
git remote add upstream https://github.com/mono/mono.git
git fetch upstream master 
git checkout upstream/master
git submodule update --recursive --depth=1

在工作完成后,可以再恢复 submodule 配置

git restore . --recurse-submodules


初次下载项目代码使用了 --depth=1 。如果想要看稍微久一些的历史记录,不需要 git fetch --unshallow 下载完整内容,而可以用 git fetch origin master --deepen=10

我尝试了 shallow-exclude,但遇到了如下问题

$ git fetch origin master --shallow-exclude=fad8c19d8600b34e46984ba6dbb600f9343cd773 -v
POST git-upload-pack (306 bytes)
POST git-upload-pack (400 bytes)
error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: Unknown error code (err 2)
fatal: error reading section header 'acknowledgments'

# https://stackoverflow.com/a/59474908/1166518   
$ git config http.version HTTP/1.1
$ git fetch origin master --shallow-exclude=fad8c19d8600b34e46984ba6dbb600f9343cd773 -v
POST git-upload-pack (306 bytes)
POST git-upload-pack (400 bytes)
error: RPC failed; curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining
fatal: error reading section header 'acknowledgments'